法國里昂大學工商管理博士(DBA)學位項目除了來自法國里昂大學(Université de Lyon)的知名全職教授外,還有來自20多個國家和地區(qū)的精英大學和精英商學院的頂級師資和博士生導師團隊(限于篇幅,國際師資、博士生導師團隊在公眾號推送內(nèi)有詳細介紹)
同時為保證項目符合中國國情需求,中國項目中心對在保證項目原汁原味歐美博士培養(yǎng)統(tǒng)一課程標準的前提下,同時也針對中國實際情況對課程進行補充優(yōu)化,中國項目中心也會邀請來自中國一線城市頂級大學的管理學院(商學院)師資、教授為學員提供各個行業(yè)的最新資訊、講座、研討會,論文指導等,頂級教授陣容強大,立足中國,放眼全球,Think global and act local
“For me, theExecutive DBA is a bridge between the fields dominated by practitionersand academics. It also opens the doors of scientific research to professionalservices.”
DRH, Distribution, Switzerland.
“Before my enrollment, I had a lot of questionsand a number of doubts concerning the credibility of the program, the seminars,etc. Once it began, however, I can tell you that those doubts disappeared veryquickly. The quality of the seminars is incredibly high, and they permit you toexamine your opinions and to develop your research subject. Moreover, despitemy short time in the program, I can already see a number of the positiveeffects in my career.”
Senior Health Economist, Health, USA.
“This high-quality program matched myexpectations as a former manager and young researcher. I wanted to take a stepback from my managerial practices and to apply a more academic framework to myreflections. As a professor at a business school, this program was anaccelerated track in my development as a researcher. This program’s innovationoffered me the chance to detail and challenge my ideas with renownedresearchers. I strongly recommend the Executive DBA from Université de Lyon tomanagers driven by the desire to learn, to understand and to share."
Professor HES, Teaching and Research,Switzerland.
“An excellent program of the highest level thatpermits one to reconcile doctoral research and professional responsibilities,and is headed by eminent professors with international reputations inManagement Sciences. An adventure, a major challenge, an extraordinaryaccelerator of the knowledge of the many daily managerial implications, as wellas an asset to any company. In one word, a success!”
Chief Financial Officer, PublicSector, Switzerland.
“With an intense desire for intellectual growthand personal accomplishment, I registered for the Executive DBA at theUniversité de Lyon after 27 years of professional life. Today, I feelfully motivated to increase my knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship andto enhance my experience by writing a quality piece of research under one ofthe field’s eminent specialists.”
ProjectDirector, Public Sector, Tunisia.
“I am part of the flagship Executive DBA programin Tunis. … I remain personally very satisfied with my choice, happy andencouraged to continue my Executive DBA program with confidence and enthusiasm.… The Université de Lyon DBA program is a step away from traditional programs.Instead it guides us through an exceptional, valuable and high-level training.Thus far, our professors have been top of the line, talented, and grounded in apragmatic, powerful system; they spare no effort.”
PDG, Tourism, Tunisia.
"Even since its first seminar, the Executive DBA has been a constantintellectual challenge. When I discovered the program, I realized that it wouldgive me the opportunity to explore and contribute knowledge to a subject thatinterests and excites me. I have also realized that as such, my thesis will bea powerful tool that will give me access to heightened expertise - and why not,perhaps even a second career - all with the support of exceptionalprofessors."
Business executive, Financial Services,USA.
The Executive DBA has theadvantage of offering confirmedmanagers the opportunity to come to terms withthe scientific world. Both worldsare often considered as poles apart : thanksto this program they complete eachother in an optimal way. This program helpedme structure my actions within thecompany thanks to scientific methods madeaccessible by high-quality professors.The size of classes during seminars andthe remote supervision contribute to theacademic high quality. It alsoprovides an additional managerial legitimacythanks to well-grounded tools andmethods which are very much appreciated bybusiness managers.
FrédéricFAVRE Director inHR Migros
(米格羅斯集團) Valais, Suisse
The Executive DBA allows astrategic repositioning duringthe career of the DBA student. The studentemerges more competent in Research,more experienced in his/her thesisspecialty, and more structured in his/herapproach to the thesis topic. Theline of thought throughout the DBA enables thestudent to find answers toquestions otherwise unanswered. The results of theDBA also have an importantimpact on the career development, opening new doors.
GabrielTREMBLAY Consultant,Montreal